
Showing posts from 2009

Life in a Metro......

In all the glitterings of our Metros, there is another life in Metro......expressed through this poem....... मे कौन सोचता है? मे कौन सोचता है? वो फच्चा जो कायों के शीशे ऩोंछ्ता है जो दौड़ता है,जफकक रार ससग्नर मा ससऩाही सफको योकता है जजसके सरमे ककसी रुकी हुमी काय का खुरता शीशा ककस्भत खुरने के सभान है गाड़ी ऩोंछ्ने ऩय उस शीशे भें से कोई चॊद ससक्के दे दे जजसके ददर भें फस इतना ही अयभान है जजसकी ककस्भत भें फस सूखी योदिमाॉ, पिे कऩड़े औय एक गॊदी सी फस्ती भें िीन का भकान है जजसके सरमे सदी का कम्फर औय फारयश की छ्तयी मे खुरा आसभान है; वो ददन बय भें कैसे अऩनी छोिी-छोिी आॉखों के फड़े-फड़े सऩनों का सऩनों का गरा घोंिता है? मे कौन सोचता है? मे कौन सोचता है? कक वो फच्चा जो सड़क ककनाये बीख भाॉग यहा है, ककसी से काय औय कोठी तो नहीॊ ससपफ ऩेि बयने को चॊद ससक्के भाॉग यहा है, उसे बी कोई शौक नहीॊ है हाथ पैराने का औय हय दूसये-तीसये आदभी से गारी खाने का रेककन वो भज़फूय है क्मोंकक उसके भाॉ-फाऩ के ऩास ऩैसे नहीॊ हैं; उसभें औय तुभभें अन्तय फस इतना है कक उसके भाॉ-फाऩ, तुम्हाये भाॉ-फाऩ जैसे नहीॊ हैं; तुम्हाये स्कूर भे...

Life in a Metro......

In all the glitterings of our Metros, there is another life in Metro......expressed through this poem....... मे कौन सोचता है? मे कौन सोचता है? वो फच्चा जो कायों के शीशे ऩोंछ्ता है जो दौड़ता है,जफकक रार ससग्नर मा ससऩाही सफको योकता है जजसके सरमे ककसी रुकी हुमी काय का खुरता शीशा ककस्भत खुरने के सभान है गाड़ी ऩोंछ्ने ऩय उस शीशे भें से कोई चॊद ससक्के दे दे जजसके ददर भें फस इतना ही अयभान है जजसकी ककस्भत भें फस सूखी योदिमाॉ, पिे कऩड़े औय एक गॊदी सी फस्ती भें िीन का भकान है जजसके सरमे सदी का कम्फर औय फारयश की छ्तयी मे खुरा आसभान है; वो ददन बय भें कैसे अऩनी छोिी-छोिी आॉखों के फड़े-फड़े सऩनों का सऩनों का गरा घोंिता है? मे कौन सोचता है? मे कौन सोचता है? कक वो फच्चा जो सड़क ककनाये बीख भाॉग यहा है, ककसी से काय औय कोठी तो नहीॊ ससपफ ऩेि बयने को चॊद ससक्के भाॉग यहा है, उसे बी कोई शौक नहीॊ है हाथ पैराने का औय हय दूसये-तीसये आदभी से गारी खाने का रेककन वो भज़फूय है क्मोंकक उसके भाॉ-फाऩ के ऩास ऩैसे नहीॊ हैं; उसभें औय तुभभें अन्तय फस इतना है कक उसके भा...


Amongst the various causes behind India’s innumerable issues of social concern, unequal distribution of wealth or economic disparity is one of the major impediments when it comes to education. Where a metropolitan child gets fancy school accessories at the beginning of a new session at school, it is the deprivation of the same and much more which becomes the cause of dropping out of school for many in economically and socially inferior sections of the nation. In such a scenario, it is not necessary that the contributors have to be million rupees worth corporate firms or international organizations. Initiatives taken by local communities and well to do schools in the metros can be yielding, if done with diligence and integrity. It is said that education is not the answer to the question but the means to the answer to all questions. Identifying this as the launch pad for a wholesome qualitative education, UNICEF in collaboration with central and several state governments has kick-started...


Amongst the various causes behind India’s innumerable issues of social concern, unequal distribution of wealth or economic disparity is one of the major impediments when it comes to education. Where a metropolitan child gets fancy school accessories at the beginning of a new session at school, it is the deprivation of the same and much more which becomes the cause of dropping out of school for many in economically and socially inferior sections of the nation. In such a scenario, it is not necessary that the contributors have to be million rupees worth corporate firms or international organizations. Initiatives taken by local communities and well to do schools in the metros can be yielding, if done with diligence and integrity. It is said that education is not the answer to the question but the means to the answer to all questions. Identifying this as the launch pad for a wholesome qualitative education, UNICEF in collaboration with central and several state governments has kick-st...

Manorath Starts A New Venture -- School Workshops

Manorath has now entered in a new engagement to take its campaign to new heights.These workshops have already begun after seeking formal permissions from the MCD authorities. The workshop begins with a fun filled, entertaining skit where the children are encouraged to come to school regularly and where they are informed about their rights. It is followed by a song sung by volunteers on child rights. After the skit and the song, there is a engagement with children in various ways such as colouring, painting activities While these students absolutely enjoy and loose themselves in the world of creativity and colour, for the students of senior classes we prefer a one to one interaction. The volunteers talk to the children about various things like about how important is education for all of them and how vital it is to continue their studies. They ask them questions about themselves, what is their favourite subject and probably some knowledge based questions..maintaining the fun quotient of...

Manorath Starts A New Venture -- School Workshops

Manorath has now entered in a new engagement to take its campaign to new heights.These workshops have already begun after seeking formal permissions from the MCD authorities. The workshop begins with a fun filled, entertaining skit where the children are encouraged to come to school regularly and where they are informed about their rights. It is followed by a song sung by volunteers on child rights. After the skit and the song, there is a engagement with children in various ways such as colouring, painting activities While these students absolutely enjoy and loose themselves in the world of creativity and colour, for the students of senior classes we prefer a one to one interaction. The volunteers talk to the children about various things like about how important is education for all of them and how vital it is to continue their studies. They ask them questions about themselves, what is their favourite subject and probably some knowledge based questions..maintaining the fun quotient...

Mera Bhi Toh Adhikaar Hai !!!

Manorath has formed a children group in Dakshinpuri and the video shows Manorath members and children learning and singing the CHILD RIGHTS song together. There is Bhavay leading the choir, Amit swinging his hands from one side to the other and the rest of us in chorus . I am recording the video. Special thanks to Garima for uploading the video. NOTE: The video has been shot and uploaded with permission from the children involved and does not violate child rights. And if you want to humm along, here are the lyrics : PS. This is just the practice, the final version would come out soon ;). For the uninitiated: The CRY Anthem is a song penned down by Javed Akhtar as a part of the "CRY Telethon". The Music is by Aadesh Shrivastava. It is is sung by Sonu Nigam, Alka Yagnik, Hariharan, Shreya Ghoshal, Udit Narayan, Shaan, Sapna Mukherjee, Babul Supriyo, Vijeta Pandit,...

Mera Bhi Toh Adhikaar Hai !!!

Manorath has formed a children group in Dakshinpuri and the video shows Manorath members and children learning and singing the CHILD RIGHTS song together. There is Bhavay leading the choir, Amit swinging his hands from one side to the other and the rest of us in chorus . I am recording the video. Special thanks to Garima for uploading the video. NOTE: The video has been shot and uploaded with permission from the children involved and does not violate child rights. And if you want to humm along, here are the lyrics : PS. This is just the practice, the final version would come out soon ;). For the uninitiated: The CRY Anthem is a song penned down by Javed Akhtar as a part of the "CRY Telethon". The Music is by Aadesh Shrivastava. It is is sung by Sonu Nigam, Alka Yagnik, Hariharan, Shreya Ghoshal, Udit Narayan, Shaan, Sapna Mukherjee, Babul...

A prelude

Manorath, the very name, takes ones vision to a softer, humane request for surviving, where we who are privileged, raise voices for the children who are not. Here, we pledge, to make a difference in whatever way we can, to make the life of children better. A child is the epitome of innocence, and the love one receives from children is the purest. Their hearts are free of malice, and their souls absolutely pure, away from the sightings of the world. This beautiful existence is called childhood, of which unfortunately, many lakhs of children are deprived today. We invite you, to become a part of 'Manorath', to share this feeling of a drive to do something for children, to experience the unconditional love we receive from them, and to feel the satisfaction of having contributed in your own little way. Lets help nurture the today, that will be us tomorrow.

A prelude

Manorath, the very name, takes ones vision to a softer, humane request for surviving, where we who are privileged, raise voices for the children who are not. Here, we pledge, to make a difference in whatever way we can, to make the life of children better. A child is the epitome of innocence, and the love one receives from children is the purest. Their hearts are free of malice, and their souls absolutely pure, away from the sightings of the world. This beautiful existence is called childhood, of which unfortunately, many lakhs of children are deprived today. We invite you, to become a part of 'Manorath', to share this feeling of a drive to do something for children, to experience the unconditional love we receive from them, and to feel the satisfaction of having contributed in your own little way. Lets help nurture the today, that will be us tomorrow.

The Sleeping Child

" As i went through my daily grind.. With thoughts and worries intertwined.. I lay my eyes on a sleeping child... Resting in the heat that could burn the wild... What had she done to deserve this... Why cant i pick her up and give her a kiss... Why is that suddenly all my worries seem triffle.. I have enough I said .. But who'll feed this angel ?? The chips I had, to her I gave.. Feeling small at the contibution I made... Wanted to do more .. Could i adopt the child... And suddenly ma boss called .. Hurry up he said... I said be there in a while... In a moment I lost the smile... That a pack of chips had brought to the girl... I left that place...cause the heat was killing me... I feel like a coward .. I had no right to flee... Its our obligation as citizens of the world... To feed the needy .. to help the troubled... Why is then... we all commit the crime... Of not being humans.. but only being prime... The misery of defeat .. or the pain of death... Doesnt compare to what I ...

The Sleeping Child

" As i went through my daily grind.. With thoughts and worries intertwined.. I lay my eyes on a sleeping child... Resting in the heat that could burn the wild... What had she done to deserve this... Why cant i pick her up and give her a kiss... Why is that suddenly all my worries seem triffle.. I have enough I said .. But who'll feed this angel ?? The chips I had, to her I gave.. Feeling small at the contibution I made... Wanted to do more .. Could i adopt the child... And suddenly ma boss called .. Hurry up he said... I said be there in a while... In a moment I lost the smile... That a pack of chips had brought to the girl... I left that place...cause the heat was killing me... I feel like a coward .. I had no right to flee... Its our obligation as citizens of the world... To feed the needy .. to help the troubled... Why is then... we all commit the crime... Of not being humans.. but only being prime... The misery of defeat .. or the pain of death... Doe...

MANORATH's intervention at the community level

Manorath members engage with children & parents in areas where MCD schools operate, One example is the Dakshinpuri community intervention ,near Ambedkar Nagar,South Delhi, where members engage with children of all groups and organise Drawing and other fun filled activites wid them. The group was able to identify problems with one of the schools and take it up with the concerned authorities. Sachin with his masterpiece Manorath members with children at Dakshinpuri

MANORATH's intervention at the community level

Manorath members engage with children & parents in areas where MCD schools operate, One example is the Dakshinpuri community intervention ,near Ambedkar Nagar,South Delhi, where members engage with children of all groups and organise Drawing and other fun filled activites wid them. The group was able to identify problems with one of the schools and take it up with the concerned authorities. Sachin with his masterpiece Manorath members with children at Dakshinpuri

Manorath's Rally to demand books for 11 lakh children of MCD schools.

In April'09 when new academic session began , Manorath discovered that MCD has not given any text books to children of the MCD schools and the same was expected to not to be distributed till August'09. Manorath found that children were finding difficulties to continue with their studies without the text books. Therefore, To protest the attitude in the delay of the distribution of books on the part of MCD authority, Manorath organised a RALLY to demand the earlier distribution of books to the children. Children of MCD schools & parents along with Manorath members at the Dakshinpuri park Rally progressing towards the Residence of Education Minister The protest was held along with other groups in front of the residence of the Education Minister,Delhi Government on 5th april'09 ,where in an assurance was taken that the books will be given soon. Manorath also wrote a letter to the minister holding him by his assurance. Our follow up interaction with the children has reveal...

Manorath's Rally to demand books for 11 lakh children of MCD schools.

In April'09 when new academic session began , Manorath discovered that MCD has not given any text books to children of the MCD schools and the same was expected to not to be distributed till August'09. Manorath found that children were finding difficulties to continue with their studies without the text books. Therefore, To protest the attitude in the delay of the distribution of books on the part of MCD authority, Manorath organised a RALLY to demand the earlier distribution of books to the children. Children of MCD schools & parents along with Manorath members at the Dakshinpuri park Rally progressing towards the Residence of Education Minister The protest was held along with other groups in front of the residence of the Education Minister,Delhi Government on 5th april'09 ,where in an assurance was taken that the books will be given soon. Manorath also wrote a letter to the minister holding him by his assurance. Our follow up interaction with the children h...

Ye Kaun Sochta hai

"Ye kaun sochta hai ? Wo bachcha jo karon ke shishe ponchtaa hai Jo daudtaa hai jabki laal signal ya sipahi sabko rokta hai Jiske liye ruki hui car ka khulta shisha Kismat khulne ke samaan hai Gaadi ponchne par us shishe me se koi chand sikke de de Jiske dil me bus itna hi armaan hai Jiski kismat me bus sookhi rotiyaan, fate kapade Aur ek gandi si basti me tin ka makaan hai Jiske liye sardi ka kambal aur baarish ki chatari  Ye khulaa aasmaan hai; Wo kaise din bhar me apni choti-choti aankhon ke Bade-bade sapnon ka gala ghontaa hai? Ye kaun sochtaa hai? Ye kaun sochtaa hai? Ki wo bachcha jo sadak kinaare bheekh maang raha hai, Kisi se car aur kothi to nahi Sirf pet bharne ko chand sikke maang raha hai Use bhi koi shauk nahi hai Haath failane ka Aur har doosre-teesre aadmi se gaali khane ka Lekin wo majboor hai Kyunki uske ma-baap ke paas paise nahi hain Usme aur tum-me antar bus itna hai ki uske ma-baap, tumhare ma-baap jaise nahi hain Tumhare school me jitni fees jaati thi Utne ru...

Ye Kaun Sochta hai

"Ye kaun sochta hai ? Wo bachcha jo karon ke shishe ponchtaa hai Jo daudtaa hai jabki laal signal ya sipahi sabko rokta hai Jiske liye ruki hui car ka khulta shisha Kismat khulne ke samaan hai Gaadi ponchne par us shishe me se koi chand sikke de de Jiske dil me bus itna hi armaan hai Jiski kismat me bus sookhi rotiyaan, fate kapade Aur ek gandi si basti me tin ka makaan hai Jiske liye sardi ka kambal aur baarish ki chatari  Ye khulaa aasmaan hai; Wo kaise din bhar me apni choti-choti aankhon ke Bade-bade sapnon ka gala ghontaa hai? Ye kaun sochtaa hai? Ye kaun sochtaa hai? Ki wo bachcha jo sadak kinaare bheekh maang raha hai, Kisi se car aur kothi to nahi Sirf pet bharne ko chand sikke maang raha hai Use bhi koi shauk nahi hai Haath failane ka Aur har doosre-teesre aadmi se gaali khane ka Lekin wo majboor hai Kyunki uske ma-baap ke paas paise nahi hain Usme aur tum-me antar bus itna hai ki uske ma-baap, tumhare ma-baap jai...

Make this world a fairer place!!

Children begging, children stealing, children crying, children dying needlessly due to poverty, hunger andeglect. In a world where people live in million dollar homes Why are these children digging out food and bones to chew on, to feed their hunger, from rubbish bins? 'Really, Is that right?' just ask yourself Do these beautiful souls have no right to live, Just because their parents have no money to give to educate them, and feed them, and to help them to grow into fine young women and men that we would be proud to know. If only someone fights for their Right to Live. You and I can change each one of their fate And bring joy and laughter and education to date. Into the dreary and harsh lives of these little angels, By signing petitions and singing jingles. By waking up the Government and making them take action, To ensure education, food & protection of their best interests, with a passion. Lets all get together and give it all we've got To change each little underpri...

Make this world a fairer place!!

Children begging, children stealing, children crying, children dying needlessly due to poverty, hunger andeglect. In a world where people live in million dollar homes Why are these children digging out food and bones to chew on, to feed their hunger, from rubbish bins? 'Really, Is that right?' just ask yourself Do these beautiful souls have no right to live, Just because their parents have no money to give to educate them, and feed them, and to help them to grow into fine young women and men that we would be proud to know. If only someone fights for their Right to Live. You and I can change each one of their fate And bring joy and laughter and education to date. Into the dreary and harsh lives of these little angels, By signing petitions and singing jingles. By waking up the Government and making them take action, To ensure education, food & protection of their best interests, with a passion. Lets all get together and give it all we've got To...

Who will take care?

This is a photograph taken at the famous Connaught Place Market of New Delhi. The Prime question- who will take care of this child? On whom lies the responsibility of this child.....Parents, Society, Government.....? No one is coming ahead, and his eyes ask the same question again and again.... Do we have an answer?

Who will take care?

This is a photograph taken at the famous Connaught Place Market of New Delhi. The Prime question- who will take care of this child? On whom lies the responsibility of this child.....Parents, Society, Government.....? No one is coming ahead, and his eyes ask the same question again and again.... Do we have an answer?

Manorath in the eyes of Media-HT City


Manorath in the eyes of Media-HT City


Manorath in the eyes of Media-The Times of India


Manorath in the eyes of Media-The Times of India


Manorath in the eyes of Media-The Asian Edge

The Asian Edge covered the Manorath's Bal Natya Utsav on 18 Nov'08

Manorath in the eyes of Media-The Asian Edge

The Asian Edge covered the Manorath's Bal Natya Utsav on 18 Nov'08

Bal Natya Utsav Nov '08 - Dilli Haat

The 10th Bal Natya Utsav was organised at the Dilli Haat by Child Rights and You (CRY) in Nov'08. This street theatre festival is organised every year to spread awareness among people about child rights. Various drama groups voiced their opinions through plays on issues like girl education,child labour, health and child trafficking. A street play was also conducted by Manorath volunteers. It was an eye openerfor many people who liked the theme and concept of right to education for children. Group photo of Manorath volunteers who participated in the street play Such street plays provide an open forum where any child can express his/her opinion about issues impacting them. Street plays help spreading awareness among people. Manorath volunteers plan to conduct such street plays at different public places to generate awareness regarding right to education and child rights among common people.

Bal Natya Utsav Nov '08 - Dilli Haat

The 10th Bal Natya Utsav was organised at the Dilli Haat by Child Rights and You (CRY) in Nov'08. This street theatre festival is organised every year to spread awareness among people about child rights. Various drama groups voiced their opinions through plays on issues like girl education,child labour, health and child trafficking. A street play was also conducted by Manorath volunteers. It was an eye openerfor many people who liked the theme and concept of right to education for children. Group photo of Manorath volunteers who participated in the street play Such street plays provide an open forum where any child can express his/her opinion about issues impacting them. Street plays help spreading awareness among people. Manorath volunteers plan to conduct such street plays at different public places to generate awareness regarding right to education and child rights among common people.

Child Rights Song

मेरा भी तो अधिकार है मेरा भी तो अधिकार है मेरा भी तो अधिकार है सूरज की रौशनी पर ज़िन्दगी की हर खुशी पर मुस्कान पर, हंसी पर दुनिया पर, जिन्दगी पर मेरा भी तो अधिकार है मेरा भी तो अधिकार है बच्चें ही तो बच्चें ही तो मुल्क की तक्दीर है आने वाले दौर की तस्वीर है बच्चें ही तो बच्चें ही तो मुल्क की तक्दीर है आने वाले दौर की तस्वीर है स्कूल के सब रस्तो पर कापी किताब बस्तो पर क्लास रूम टीचर पर ब्लेक बोर्ड पर हर अक्षर पर मेरा भी तो अधिकार है मेरा भी तो अधिकार है कितने मासुम कितने भोले है इन्के जैसा ना कोई दुजा है कितने मासुम कितने भोले है इन्के जैसा कोई ना दुजा है इन्के जीवन मे रोशनी लाना इक इबादत है, इक पूजा है तयोंहारों पर मेलो पर मैदानो पर खेलो पर फूट्बाल पर क्रिकेट पर चाँक्लटे पर और बिस्कुट पर मेरा भी तो अधिकार है मेरा भी तो अधिकार है एक सुफी एक सुफी एक सुफी... ये सब से कह्ता है कह्ता है छूप कर बच्चों मे खुदा रह्ता है छूप कर बच्चों मे खुदा रह्ता है खुदा रह्ता है..... ऊत्तना ही प्यार पायोगे जीत्तना भी प्यार दो वोओओ वोओओओओओ......... ऊत्तना ही प्यार पायोगे जीत्तना भी प्यार दो इन्को जीने का अधिक...

Child Rights Song

मेरा भी तो अधिकार है मेरा भी तो अधिकार है मेरा भी तो अधिकार है सूरज की रौशनी पर ज़िन्दगी की हर खुशी पर मुस्कान पर, हंसी पर दुनिया पर, जिन्दगी पर मेरा भी तो अधिकार है मेरा भी तो अधिकार है बच्चें ही तो बच्चें ही तो मुल्क की तक्दीर है आने वाले दौर की तस्वीर है बच्चें ही तो बच्चें ही तो मुल्क की तक्दीर है आने वाले दौर की तस्वीर है स्कूल के सब रस्तो पर कापी किताब बस्तो पर क्लास रूम टीचर पर ब्लेक बोर्ड पर हर अक्षर पर मेरा भी तो अधिकार है मेरा भी तो अधिकार है कितने मासुम कितने भोले है इन्के जैसा ना कोई दुजा है कितने मासुम कितने भोले है इन्के जैसा कोई ना दुजा है इन्के जीवन मे रोशनी लाना इक इबादत है, इक पूजा है तयोंहारों पर मेलो पर मैदानो पर खेलो पर फूट्बाल पर क्रिकेट पर चाँक्लटे पर और बिस्कुट पर मेरा भी तो अधिकार है मेरा भी तो अधिकार है एक सुफी एक सुफी एक सुफी... ये सब से कह्ता है कह्ता है छूप कर बच्चों मे खुदा रह्ता है छूप कर बच्चों मे खुदा रह्ता है खुदा रह्ता है..... ऊत्तना ही प्यार पायोगे जीत्तना भी प्यार दो वोओओ वोओओओओओ......... ऊत्तना ही प्यार...