A prelude

Manorath, the very name, takes ones vision to a softer, humane request for surviving, where we who are privileged, raise voices for the children who are not. Here, we pledge, to make a difference in whatever way we can, to make the life of children better.
A child is the epitome of innocence, and the love one receives from children is the purest. Their hearts are free of malice, and their souls absolutely pure, away from the sightings of the world. This beautiful existence is called childhood, of which unfortunately, many lakhs of children are deprived today. We invite you, to become a part of 'Manorath', to share this feeling of a drive to do something for children, to experience the unconditional love we receive from them, and to feel the satisfaction of having contributed in your own little way.

Lets help nurture the today, that will be us tomorrow.


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