
Showing posts from 2017

"If You're Young and Talented, it's Like You Have Wings"- Children from our Dwarka PAG Perform at IP University

  This exuberant show of talent and skills, such everlasting convictions of confrontation with problems and not to digress under any circumstances, are manifested in the performance of our beloved children.  With regards and the support of the administration of University School of law and legal studies, Indraprastha University, who gave them an opportunity to put forth the genius in them and merits their hard efforts, at their college festival. Our volunteers Anjali Gandhi and Nikhil Yadav left no stone unturned in mentoring these children and opened new ventures by acquainting them with the significance of dance in their day to day life and teaching them how it helps with their physical and intellectual empowerment. Such rigorous efforts by our volunteers and meticulously carved performance by these enthusiastic children, paves the way forward to an exciting world of creativity and innovation. Shaking their legs and dancing on the tunes of “Duniya ka nara cha...

Let’s Talk Periods! - It is the Need of the Hour

Tucked away in the meandering gallies of a basti named Tigri, not far from Saket, New Delhi, there is a very impressive group of girls. Energetically, these girls dance behind closed doors, as if expressing their hesitations through it. Dancing, so they will not feel subdued when the time comes to go home, never ever to talk about this deep dark hole again. A body part that is not to be named. It appears as if you speak the words or name it, it just might come alive! It might even become a real part of your living breathing body. It might as well come out of its dark rabbit hole and whisper its powerful, shocking, very valid, very real name to you…योनि…Vagina! The girls wait impatiently for an unfamiliar didi to come by and tell them shocking (things they've never fathomed, let alone heard). Things such as, “Yes, you indeed have three openings between your legs and not just two.” (हौ! दीदी मुझे तोह लगा आप झूट बोल रही थी!) *Goodness! Didi I thought you were blatantly telli...

You Too Can Be a Child Rights Champion in Your Everyday Life

  Manisha Tripathi is not just an ordinary Sales Floor Customer Assistant with Marks and Spencer; her kind and benevolent aura speaks for itself. Do you remember the last time you donated the sum of money handed over to you by your favorite aunt when she paid her routine visit to your home every Diwali? Well, not all of us have that kind of heart and this is one reason why I just said that Manisha is not any ordinary person you’ll come across. It happened so that a shopper stopped by the store in South Extension, seeming a bit perplexed, unsure of what she really wanted to buy, what patterns and more importantly what sizes. It was then that Manisha came to her rescue, attending her with utmost enthusiasm and patience. Manisha made sure that the lady had checked out all the sections in the store and was able to find just the right articles she was looking for. It would be fair to say that the kind lady was on a shopping spree for she spent over Fifty Seven Thousand Rup...

In Youth We Learn; In Age We Understand- The CRY Experience of Sanmay Moitra

How a fourteen year old boy reaches the understanding of the differences between the privileged and the underprivileged? Sanmay Moitra answers. At CRY, we welcome the participation of people from all age groups and walks of life. One such example was the two month involvement of the young Sanmay Moitra at the PAG centre in Gurgaon. A Gurgaon local, Sanmay is in 9 th standard and goes to the prestigious Delhi Public School. For him, the interest of joining CRY began at home when he was encouraged by his parents to intern at CRY. A cricket and a music enthusiast, Sanmay started volunteering during the month of May. What some may call an unconventional way to spend the summer break by a fourteen year old, Sanmay was excited for the opportunity at his disposal. He spent the two months teaching the students between 4 th and 6 th standard at a government school subjects like English and Maths. Sanmay credits this experience to the learning provided by the seniors at centre....

A Child is Meant to Learn, Not Earn- A CRY Initiative to Eliminate Child Labor

“ A ch il d is m e an t to l e arn , n o t t o e arn ; Do t h em a f a vo ur , a vo id ch i ld l ab o u r .” U nden ia b ly, o u r h e a d s n o d in u n i s o n i n co n c u r r en c e w ith t h e s e l i nes , in t h e m o s t i n v o l un tary ma n n e r. A ll o f u s h ave w i t ne s s e d , if n o t p arti c i p at e d , in d eb at e s a n d ne ws - sh ow s d i s c us s i n g t h e s oc ial e vil t h at c h i l d la b o u r i s , ag g r e s s ively a d v oc at in g f o r t h e e n d o f t h is p ractice. A n d w h i le m o s t o f u s very co n ve n i en t l y g o to o u r h o m e s a n d s co ld t h e little ‘ C h o t u us ’ wo r k i n g in o u r h o m e s to co m p l e te t he ir wo rk p r o pe r ly, t h e v o l u n t ee rs o f S ak sh am i n co lla b o rat i o n w ith C R Y (C h ild R i gh ts & Yo u ), a f o und at i o n f o r p r o t e c t i o n o f t h e c h i ld r en ’s r i...